Thank you!

Before you even move forward, we wanted to thank you because your intent to donate means so much to us. Thank you for believing in what we are doing. If you have any questions about the donation process, please contact our Treasurer for help.

Donate now

Where does this money go?

Every donation goes to good use. Donated funds will be used to purchase club t-shirts, sponsor community building events, provide food at meetings, and sponsor conference attendance. Each dollar spent is an investment in our members, and these are the investments that produce the greatest returns. By donating, you are helping us magnify the results of our work and we all thank you for that.


Who else provides club funding?

We receive club funding from three primary sources: our members, fundraisers and donations. Our members provide funds by paying their dues and paying small fees for social events that we put on. Throughout the year, the members also help run fundraisers (like bake sales) to raise money from the campus community. These two sources provide us with some money, but don't guarantee that we will be able to provide all of the support that our members deserve. Donations from our corporate sponsors and other members of the community are added to the funds actively raised by members in order to keep our programming going smoothly throughout the year.


How much do people donate?

Generally, the donations we receive from individual parties range from $20 to $500. If we raise more money than is necessary to cover basic club operational expenses for the year (food at meetings, t-shirts, conference attendance, achievement awards, etc.), we will be able to save the money for future years. Looking forward, we hope to raise enough money to cover the application fee when members apply for professional admission to Eller and to award scholarships to our most outstanding members. 


Are donations tax deductible?

No, your donation is not tax deductible. We are currently working with the Arizona Foundation to create a crowdfunding partnership that would make donations tax deductible, but because we as an organization do not have non-profit status your donations will not be tax deductible.